Lab Mentors


Mentoring a KEYS intern is a valuable way to engage in high school outreach.

KEYS Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators

Researchers from across the University of Arizona host KEYS high school students. KEYS relies on faculty investigators and their postdoctoral and graduate students for their mentorship. Most are members of the BIO5 Institute, the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center, and other affiliated bioscience research groups.

KEYS Lab Mentors

Lab Mentors

Mentoring a KEYS intern is a valuable way to engage in high school outreach. Mentors are generally past and/or current college students under the direction of their laboratory's principal investigator(s).

KEYS Training


An orientation meeting is offered each Spring for Principal Investigators and Laboratory Mentors. We especially encourage first time mentors to participate in this meeting.

Questions? Contact KEYS staff at 520-626-8124.

Thank you to our University of Arizona Mentors

“I believe having students in our labs offers a chance for them to get hands-on experience in a running lab doing science (they get to experience the joy, the frustration, and the boredom—all of which are part of science), and they get to be part of a team (the lab) which is truly one of the best parts of science!”